my thoughts never die...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

                  BEEKUNHIBI    a shot story:

       "A  resurruction will be takingplace,a rebirth from coral rocks........she will be awaking from stony sleep.....she has been sleeping throughout the centuries"

       This story
  is about a legendary woman,Beekunhibi.Long decades ago Agatti Island was under the control of British East India company. They conquered many Islands and took control from Arakkal empire and they established barbaric rules throughout the Island.
    Beekunnibi was a pretty girl lived in Agatti Island with her parents. British East India company imposed a new tax system in many Islands.In the beginning,the islanders were never ready to obey the rule,but British Company forced them to accept the rule. In Agatti Island many people protested against the tax rule.As a result Company soldiers attacked their homes and harassed their mothers and sisters.Thus the islanders agonized a lot.
    Once the Company soldiers attacked Beekunhibi's home and beat her father and  humiliated her mother.Meanwhile Beekunhibi escaped from her home and ran towards the beach.While she was running she heard the sound of boots that followed behind her.Then she escaped into a cave of coral rock.

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