my thoughts never die...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

my revolution against LOVE

      "All love stories have a hidden agenda, all lovers are merely ignorant fools they make love even without knowing being fools again. Yet again they search a new love without knowing true love is an illusion".

        To me, true love is an illusion. To me, love is something mere feelings towards new. I had a couple of years, those days were most precious to me because I was in trap of love. Though, it is not true to me, I had conjured a dream. Many colleagues asked me whether it is serious or not, I told them it was merely feelings. 
        Now I have found a new aspect of love, but which is far from romantic love or scapegoat's love. Being a scapegoat, I have been in a quest, quest for Gandhian Love, which I found on the dusted books in the nook and corner of libraries. Throughout my glance, I have found plenty of rustics and underdogs. Though, they were in lap of poverty, they enriched Gandhian way of Love. Though they are fictional or non-fictional characters, I have seen a world, a world of rustics, from whom I have learned Gandhian Love.

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